Are you applying for a Netherlands tourist visa?

If yes, you need to know the recent amendments made on the Schengen visa code for Schengen visa application. 

These changes are done by the new European Union legislation. The new Schengen visa code will benefit and facilitate application procedures to applicants.

Travellers applying for the Netherlands visa will subject to new visa application rules as per the Schengen visa code starting from February 2020.  The first country to implement this change was Switzerland. 

 Important changes include

  1. Extended application submission periods.

              You can start your application 6 months before the date of travel as opposed to applying 3 months before travel. 

  1. Increased validity for the Schengen tourist visa for frequent travellers

If you are a regular traveller to the Netherlands or any Schengen countries, provided you meet all the requirements including financial subsistence and close ties your country, then have a higher chance of getting a multiple entry visa up to 5 years. However, this comes under certain conditions 

  • If you have been granted a Schengen visa thrice in past 2 years and used it lawfully, then you may qualify for a multiple-entry visa for 1 year

  • If you have been granted a multiple- entry Schengen visa for 1 year and  used it lawfully, then you may qualify for a multiple-entry visa for 2 years

  • If you have been granted a Schengen multiple entry visa for 2 years and used it lawfully, then you may qualify for a multiple-entry visa for 5years.

  1. Online visa application and Biometrics

    The visa application can be signed electronically and submitted online. If you have submitted to your biometrics earlier anytime before 5 years, you don't have to appear in person to submit your application at any Schengen vfs in your country of residence.

  1. Visa Charges  

The Schengen visa charges have increased from 60  to 80 Euros, and for applicants from 6 - 12 years the visa fees have increased from 35 to 40 Euros.

  1. Mandatory Travel insurance. 

 The new Schengen code has made travel insurance mandatory. While applying for a multiple-entry Schengen visa, you must have travel insurance that covers your period of stay. Without the same, you will be ineligible to apply.


If you have plans to visit Amsterdam then start your Netherlands or Schengen visa application right away. Before you apply to make you meet all the basic requirements for a Netherlands visa. for a Netherlands visa.

Do you meet your Schengen tourist visa requirements? Not yet? We are here... Â